Ad Astra Review

(A version of this article originally appeared on / 2001: A Space Odyssey had Jupiter. Interstellar gave us Saturn. Now, director James Gray brings us arguably the most spectacular big-screen treatment of Neptune to date (and since you’re already thinking it, insert your own joke here about when Uranus is coming to the big screen). Ad Astra sees astronaut Roy McBride (Brad Pitt) attempt to contact, locate and dissuade his long-lost father Clifford (Tommy Lee Jones) from continuing his extra-terrestrial experiments on the far side of the blue gas giant, which are causing power surges that endanger humanity’s homes on Earth and across the Solar System. Roy McBride (Brad Pitt) has some searching to do of the soul, and the solar system (source: 20th Century Fox) The easy comparison, as is the case with any new space-fiction film, is to Stanley Kubrick’s star-hopping epic – as you may have noticed at the start of this very review. Surprisingly,...